A1083 “Fox Hunt” 36 x 40 Impressionistic Mixed Medium

A1083 “Fox Hunt” 36 x 40 Impressionistic Mixed Medium
A1087 “Follow the Leader” 16 x 20 Landscape Oil on canvass
#27 “The Sleeping Sailor” 18 x 24 Landscape Mixed medium Very peaceful, beautiful painting. The artist was inspired by memories of best friend who loved…
A1072 My Sunset Lake. Original, one of a kind. by Christopher Lambert 24 x 36 Landscape Oil Desc: You will never be alone; Nature,…
A1029 The Adventurers. Original, one of a kind. by Christopher Lambert 18 x 36 Landscape Oil Desc: Against the rising tide or rough surf,…
A1069 Delaware River. Original, one of a kind. by Christopher Lambert 36 x 40 Landscape Oil Big painting
A1015 Colorado or Bust. Original, one of a kind. by Christopher Lambert A1015 Landscape 18 x 24 Artist expresses affection for nature and friendship
A1013 Hawaii for Two. Original, one of a kind. by Christopher Lambert 24x 36 Landscape Oil on white enamel with coconut oil base Wet…
A1011 Seascape. Original, one of a kind. by Christopher Lambert 24 x 36 Oil on canvass Wet on wet technique Refreshing statement for the…
A1010 Seashore Beauty. Original, one of a kind by Christopher Lambert 24 x 48 Oil on gallery wrap canvas Wet on wet technique Prussian…
#23 “Rough Surf” 16 x 20 Oil Recently done Almost photographic display of ocean waves and sky Well made
#22 “Mystical Moonlight” 18 x 24 Oil Wet on wet technique Monochromatic Black and white, Prussian blue Well made
#21 “Blue Teal in Flight” 16 x 20 Oil Wet on wet technique Landscape with a pair of Teal Ducks Highlighted: Clouds painted with…
#20 “I will be by Your Side, Forever” 16 x 20 Oil on canvass Desc: Through time and everlasting; together.
#18 Hawaiian Seascape” 18 x 24 Oil Wet on wet technique Looks great with good lighting and frame
A1012 Shades of Blue. Original, one of a kind. by Christopher Lambert 20 x 30 Oil on white enamel base on canvas Wet on…
#25 “Majestic Moonlit Mountain” 30 x 40 Snowscape, nighttime Big painting with lots of detail Beautiful on Chris’ wall Looks awesome with black light
#14 “Romantic Midnight in Honolulu” 20 x 30 Oil Wet on wet technique Beautiful seascape at night with full moon Well made
#24 “Canada’s Glory” 16 x 20 Oil Wet on wet technique Highly detailed Canadian mountain and lake scene